Elcometer 134S Chloride Ion Test Kit for Surfaces
Elcometer 134S Chloride Ion Test Kit for Surfaces Surface Cleanliness Inspection Equipment (Elcometer) Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Puchong Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Ezumax Enterprise

Chloride salts left on the surface before the first coat is applied can result in the coating system being forced off the surface by corrosion or blistering before the full life of the coating has been reached.

To ensure that the chloride has been removed it is essential that the surface is tested before the coating is applied.

Elcometer 134S test method: a latex sleeve is filled with a Chlor*Rid extract solution and stuck to the test surface where the solution is worked against the surface to extract the salts.  The titration tube is inserted and the results can be recorded.

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